We just had our second baby, yeah!!!
Se llama Dimas Juan. He weighed in at 8lbs 13oz at 11:01 in the morning of August 5th — 10 fingers, 10 toes, great health, and we’re mucho mucho lucky to have him.
“Dimas” comes from my wife’s grandmother’s brother who died when he was just a boy and “Juan” comes from my mother’s grandfather.
Dimas is a grump, a thumb-sucker, alien-like (as all newborns are), and beyond beautiful. I advise you all to run out and have babies if you can. They’ll make you completely scared and utterly joyful at the same time.
Our first born, Ethan, has been super excited and has already started picking on his lil bro: squeezing his head, poking his eye, yelling in his ear, among other and many-more-to-come nuisances.
We r excited and just wanted to share our joy w/ u all. Thnx b to God/the universe/the powers that be for giving us such awesomeness.