Find the 2
Find the 2 and You Will Be Kissed Tomorrow. 555…, oil on canvas panel, 9″ 12″, 2022.
Find the 2
Find the 2 and You Will Be Kissed Tomorrow. 555…, oil on canvas panel, 9″ 12″, 2022.
Find the 2
Find the 2 and You Will Be Kissed Tomorrow. 555…, oil on canvas panel, 9″ 12″, 2022.
Find the 2
Find the 2 and You Will Be Kissed Tomorrow. 555…, oil on canvas panel, 9″ 12″, 2022.
Create a Business in 60 Seconds
Create a Business in 60 Seconds, Paint, wood, staples, canvas. Size: L. 2025.
Grades Can Hinder Learning
“Grades Can Hinder Learning” paint on canvas, on a wooden frame & a stretched canvas. Size: mini- fridge door. 2022 &n
“Trog”, painting in puddle. Size: 18 month old baby. 2023.
Economics, paint on charcoal on canvas, wood, no glue. Size: kitchen rug. 2024.
True Facts
Collaboration with Mr. Distro, @misterdistro, titled “True Facts”. Thanks, Mr. Distro! “MR. DISTRO is a mechanism for d
Nice Fight exhibition
“Nice Fight” was the name of an exhibition by Spencer, K. Allyn and 13 art students in Miami, Florida, March 2021. Press b
Nice Fight
Nice Fight, oil on panels, 2019-2023. Size: radiator. &n
Long Blink
Long Blink acrylic paint, plywoods, gesso, sand. Size: average height of 3 yr old. Date: 2023 , , photoshop rock
Boot Scoot n Boogie
Boot Scoot n Boogie, oil on panels. Size:M. 2020. no 3/4 view for you, no even ligh
Misleading Experts
Misleading Experts, oils ons woods panels. Size: XS. 2020 front view three-q
Living Every Dream
Living Every Dream, oil on wood panels. Size: XS. 2020 full frontal 3/4 viewing pleasure &
The Joy of Stress DVD
The Joy of Stress DVD, oil paint on wood panels. Size: Medium. 2020.
Impossible Question
Impossible Question, oil paint on stretched canvas. Size: breakfast nook tabletop. 202O.
Understand You Do Not Understand
Understand You Do Not Understand, oil paint on canvas. Size: 65″ flat screen tv 4k. 202o. &n
Candy Breath
Candy Breath, oil paint on stretched abandoned painting with wooden frame(s). Size: love seat. 202o. &n
Hate My Dumb Life
Hate My Dumb Life, oil paint on abandoned student oil painting with Oriented-Strand Board fine artist frame. Size: rug. 20\9.
Illuminati Confirmed
Illuminati Confirmed, oil on gesso on fine artist stretched canvas. Size: 51.302382″ x 49.89393893″. 2OL9.
Mini Frosted Donuts
Mini Frosted Donuts, oil on gesso on canvas on fine artist frame. Size: Picnic blanket. 20l9. electrical outlet
Shindig, oil paint on student grade abandoned stretched canvas. Size: Coffee Table. Z019. The frame: part prote
hel…p, oil on stretched canvas. Size: picnic blanket. 20I9.
Twitte, oil on stretched canvas. Size: backyard pool diving board. 20l9.
Top Ten Dog Plays
Top Ten Dog Plays, oil on abandoned stretched canvas. Size: welcome mat. 20|9. 3/4 view viewing pleasure
Bubble Bath
Bubble Bath, oil paint on abandoned stretched painting with Oriented Strand Board (OSB) wooden artist’s frame. Size: we
Largest Island in a Lake on an Island in a Lake on an Island
Largest Island in a Lake on an Island in a Lake on an Island, paint between plastic. Size: XXXXXL. 20|9. , , , , , &nb
Luck or Skill
Luck or Skill, oil paint, ink, sandwiched between plastic paintings tarps. Size: double car garage door (extended). 2ol9. &nbs
Cereal Yogurt Banana
Cereal Yogurt Banana, plastic drop cloth, oil paint, plastic party table covers. Size: Garage Door. 201g.  
National Napping Day
National Napping Day, vinyl sheeting, acetate, plastic picnic table party cover, oil paint, ink, grommets, magnets. Size: livi
My Shirt is Brighter Than Your Future
My Shirt is Brighter Than Your Future, vinyl, acetate, ink, oil paint, grommets. Size: living room rug. 2O|9. &
Tengo Miedo
Tengo Miedo, ink sandwiched between two vinyl sheets, no paint (officially a drawing). Size: Blankie. 2O19. oth
All You All
All You All, acrylic and oil paint and marker paint sandwiched between two vinyl sheets. Size: Shower Curtain. 2o19. &n
No te levantes, Baby
No te levantes, Baby, paint and ink and pastel sandwiched between two vinyl 2-guage sheets. Size: Beach Towel. 2O19. &n
Longest ‘Yeah Boy’ Ever
“Longest ‘Yeah Boy’ Ever”, ink, some pastel, paint marker, oil, Gamsol, and banana bread sandwiched between vinyl. Siz
Boring Business
Boring Business, ink, acrylic and oil paint, Gamsol, two large transparency sheets. Size: twin size bed blanket. 1988.,  
Grandma Stick
Grandma Stick, liquid pigment sandwiched between vinyl. Size: Bath towel. 2018-2019.
Turkey Leg
Turkey Leg, liquid pigment sandwiched between plastic drop cloths. Size: 108.9382032″ x 144.29389929388293302330″. 2018-2
NADA Miami, Fringe Projects
Miami Art Week highlight at New Art Dealers Alliance (NADA) Art Fart December 2-9, 2018 Commissioned and curated by Fringe Pro