Master of Fine Arts, Painting, 2011
Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting/Drawing, 2004
University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, USA
ART EXHIBITIONS (*denotes solo or two-person exhibition////)
*(C)AR(T), Side Bitch Projects, Los Angeles, CA. Curator: Sofie Ramos.
Meanwhile, Beeler Gallery, Columbus College of Art and Design, Columbus, Ohio. Curator: Tim Rietenbach.
Chai’n Brai Like a Diamon, Laredo Arts Center, Laredo, Texas. Curators: Los Outsiders Art Collective.
Support System, Side Bitch Projects, Los Angeles, CA. Curator: Sofie Ramos.
You Can Alter Your Algorithm if You Want To, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC. Curator: Fred Smith
Glovebox Car Park Gallery, Dublin, Ireland. Curator: Ronan Dillon
*Mr.Distro, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Curator: Mark Rice
*Nice Fight, Florida International University. Curator: Tom Scicluna
Autobodies: And Other Human Factors, Los Angeles, California. Curator: Jonathan Fletcher Moore
*Find the 2…, Magic Mountain Fun Center, Columbus, Ohio.
Crossing Borders: GLCA Art Exchange, Allegheny College. Director: Paula Burleigh
*NOT HOT, Escalier B, Bordeaux, France. Curator: Greg David
*Me As A Parent, DePauw University, Indiana. Director: Craig Hadley
*Central Park Gallery, Los Angeles, California. Curator: Jared Dyer
*Jelato Love, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Curator: Ché Zara Blomfield and Javier Esteban
*Find the 2…, Fringe Projects, Miami, Florida. Director/Chief Curator: Amanda Sanfilippo
*Find the 2…, Sheherazade Gallery, Louisville, Kentucky. Founder/Curator: Julie Leidner
Cyclogenesis, 934 Gallery, Columbus, Ohio. Curator: Luke Ahern
As if A Field Could Become Some Dream, No Place Gallery, Columbus, Ohio. Curator: Brian Scott Campbell
Before Everything Give it Perfume, Central Park Gallery, Los Angeles, California. Curator: Jared Dyer
Untitled, C for Courtside, Knoxville, Tennessee. Curator: Lynne Ghenov
Builders, Circuit12 Contemporary, Dallas, Texas. Curator: Benjamin Terry
90, Central Park Gallery, Los Angeles, California. Curator: Jared Dyer
Find the 2 and You Will Be Kissed Tomorrow 55555… , Peter Piper Pizza, El Paso, Texas
End of the Whirld, Mass Gallery, Austin, Texas. Curator: Mike Calway-Fagen
In 3-D the Basil Never Wilts REMIXED, Castor Gallery, New York, New York. Curator: Michael Pybus.
Thirsty Garten, The Composing Rooms, Berlin, Germany. Curator: Ché Zara Blomfield
*OxGord Economy Auto Cover – 1 Layer Dust Cover – Lowest Price – Ready-Fit / Semi Glove Fit for SUV, Van, and Truck – Fits up to 206 Inches, w/ OFG.XXX, Curator: Kevin Rubén Jacobs.
*Sent From My Verizon, Samsung Galaxy Smartphone, Pay Fauxn, Brooklyn, New York. Curator: Mary Kosut
*Thank God I Am Not God, Ditch Projects, Springfield, Oregon. Curator: Donald Morgan
Shits & Giggles, Skylab Gallery, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Text by: James Payne.
Group Shadow, Teri Garten, Berlin, Germany. Curator: Paul Sochacki.
Austin Art Fair: Art City Austin w/ Pushkin and Gogol. Curator: Kevin Rubéns Jacobs.
Fine words butter no parsnips however fine parsnips can butter words, Present Company, NYC.
Curator: Alejandro Almanza.
*Share in Two Seconds iF You Love Your Mom, The Composing Rooms, Berlin, Germany.
Curator:Ché Zara Blomfield
Here and Now, Galleri Urbane, Dallas, Texas: Curator: Adrian Zuniga
F ·R ·I ·E ·N ·D ·S ✓Friends, Evelyn Yard Gallery, London, UK: Curator: Michael Pybus
ERRORE, Madrid, Spain (online project: Curator: Ignacio Baras
Double Visions, Active Space, Bushwick Open Studios. Brooklyn, New York. Curator: Christian Berman
Pizza Party, Air Lock Gallery, Los Angeles, California. Curator: Mike Whiting
*Boys Do Cry, RE Gallery, Dallas, Texas. Curator/Director: Wanda Dye
Physical Comedy, General Public Collective, Indianapolis, Indiana. Curator: Peter Shear
The Composing Rooms, Berlin, Germany Curator: Ché Zara Blomfield
*Everything Not Saved Will B Lost, Juicys Gallery, Brooklyn, NY -- Curator/Director: Raphael Cohen
*PULSE Art Fair, (Pulse Prize Nominee) w/ PHALANX Gallery, New York, NY.
Curator/Director: Cliff Atkinson
Material Punk, Welcome Screen, London, UK. Curators: Ché Zara Blomfield and Michael Pybus
Not Abstraction, New Galerie @ Yves Klein Archives, Paris, France. Curator: Ché Zara Blomfield
Honeymoon Suite, Simon Oldfield Gallery, London, UK.
Curators: Simon Oldfield, Bruce Ingram, Simon Foxall
Looks on Paper, Ditch Projects, Springfield, Oregon. Curators: Calvin Marcus, Donald Morgan
*Google Search WHAT God Wants For You, Welcome Screen, London, UK -- Curator: Michael Pybus
Transatlantic Texas, BigMedium, Austin, TX. Curator, Studio Manager: Kevin McNamee-Tweed
Madam I’m Adam, Remote-Projects, Bloomington, IN. Curators: Peter Shear, John Berry, Josh Hoering, Ryan Irvin
*almost Relevant, Oliver Francis Gallery, Dallas, Texas -- Curator: Kevin Rubén Jacobs
Interaction/Immersion, Providence, RI. Curators: Allison Paschke and Lynne Harlow
Micro-Eutopia, RK Projects, Providence, RI. Curators/Operators: Tabitha Piseno and Sam Keller
Tumbleweeds, Sunset Surf Club, Brooklyn, New York. Curator/Founder: Julian A. Jimarez Howard
Mythografia, Bull and Ram, New York, New York. Curators: Eve Lateiner and Yevgeniya Baras
Rocket to Nowhere, Amigos Publishing, Providence, Rhode Island. Curators: Jeff K. Hale and Lila Jarzombek
Small Crowd, Mixed Greens, New York, New York. Director/curator: Heather Darcy Bhandari
Boston Young Contemporaries, Boston University. Curators: Katherine Bradford, NYC artist;
Jessica Dickenson, NYC artist: Joao Ribas, MIT Visual Arts Center curator
Texas Biennial, Women & Their Work, Austin, TX. Juror: Michael Duncan, Corresponding Editor
for Art in America (catalogue)
New American Paintings: 78, Juried Exhibitions in Print, Curator: Andrea Karnes
Redefining Walls, Union Gallery, University of Texas at El Paso. Curator: Kate Bonansinga, Gallery Director, Gerald and Stan Lee Center for the Visual Arts, El Paso, Texas
New Arte Nuevo: San Antonio 2008, University of Texas at San Antonio. Jurors: UTSA Dept. of Art and Art History (catalogue)
New American Talent: 20th Exhibition, Arthouse at the Jones Center, Austin, TX. Juror: Dan Cameron (catalogue)
Regional Invitational, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. Curator: Mary Anne Redding, Curator, Photography Palace of the Governors at State of New Mexico DCA (catalogue)
Border Art Residency: Site Project, El Paso, Texas. Curator: Willie Ray Parish, Professor of Art, UTEP
Artists on Art, El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, TX. Curators: Christian Gerstheimer, Curator, EP
Art Museum: Ben Fyffe, Arts Education Program Coordinator, MCAD, El Paso, TX
2021 Drawn Out Conference, online and in person touring exhibit w/ Zoom presentations, (ongoing),
2020 Stress Joy Committee, online art exhibition.
Erin Drew, “Putty: A Live Art Talk Show”. Columbus, Ohio. Aired October 22, 2018.
Jackie Shafer, Broad and High, “The Shed”, Season 5 Episode 2. WOSU Public Media, Columbus, Ohio. Aired October 10, 2017.
Little Studio Assistants. Curated by: Hilary Doyle. 2020.
Mimi Cabell and Phoebe Stubbs, Good Deeds AKA Suggested Reading. Pink Jacket publishing,
Contributors, Inc., 2018.
Maake Magazine, “Issue 5”. November, 2017. Curated by: Yevgeniya Baras.
Kevin Rubén Jacobs, Spike Art Magazine. “Dallas Art Scene: Big Oil, Big Hair and Higher Heels.
November, 29, 2017.
James D. Payne, Command Zine, “Is Art Wrong”. January 20, 2017.
Brian Edmonds, Curating Contemporary, “Current Exhibition: Physical Comedy @ General Public
Collective. Indianapolis, Indiana.”
March 24, 2015.
Katy Diamond Hamer, Eyes Towards the Dove, ”Pulse New York, 2014: Diamonds in the Rough”. May 9,
Sharon Butler, Two Coats of Paint, “Pulsing pulse, 2014 New York Edition” (blog). May 13, 2014.
Robert Boyd, The Great God Pan is Dead, “In New York for the Firs Day 1” (blog). May 13, 2014.
Peter Shear, Remote Projects, “Artist: Interview”. April 2013.
Peter Simek , D Magazine: Front Row, “At Oliver Francis Gallery, Dirty Underwear, Lost and Found”.
November 15, 2012.
Joshua Abelow, Art Blog Art Blog. Saturday, October, 2011.
Greg Cook, Boston Phoenix, ”New Directions”, July 14, 2010.
Robbins, Christopher. Eyebeam: ReBlog. “Keith Allyn Spencer brings us Framed: Inserts from store-
bought”.May 22, 2010.
Tabitha Piseño, BOMB, “Rotation X: Curating as Academia”, December 9, 2009.
Jordan Breal, Texas Monthly, “Golden Oldies”, March 2009.
Mark Paulda, El Paso Magazine, “On Art”, Spring 2009.
Andrea Karnes, New American Paintings: 78, Juried Exhibitions in Print. 2008.
Shane Wiggs, Newspaper Tree, “Art Criticism: High Contrast at the Shine Gallery”, 2007.
Rachel Koper, Austin Chronicle, “Oh, Give Me a Home”, July 1, 2005.
2021 Lecture/Presentation, Florida International University, Miami, Florida
2020 Lecture/Presentation, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey
2018 Lecture/Presentation, Graduate and Undergraduate critiques, Rhode Island School of Design,
Providence, Rhode Island
Lecture/Presentation, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
2006 Lecture/Presentation, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
2004 Lecture/Presentation, El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, Texas
2018 Escalier B, Bordeaux, France